About Us

We are a group of individuals each having experience of about 25 years in the field of Finance, Food (Fish & Meat),  Beverages, Hospitality, Travel, accounts, and administration. We bring to the table a total of 75 years of Experience & a never satiable, common love for good food.

The lack of options in finding Quality meat and food products on the internet, propelled us to promote this venture.

Our Aim:

To offer the best international quality meat and food products to the decerning Indian Customer, who is paying a similar if the not higher price for the product then in the international market.

Traditionally most of the premium seafood was exported out of India to Europe, the USA, and Japan, and the local markets were getting only leftovers. We are the 1st brand in India established in the domestic market to cater to local Indian connoisseurs.

Our Motivation:

To make available the best Seafood and meat products to the Domestic market, our main focus areas while procuring are

1) Hygienic

2) Freshest Quality

3) Farm Raised or Ethically Caught

4) Organic

5) Antibiotic Free

6) Formalin Free

Our Belief:

Everybody lives to Eat, Everything else comes secondary. Hence we endeavor and promise to you the best quality products always.